Tuesday, December 15, 2009

huge mistake

i did i fucking huge mistake again.
i didn't even know that they broke up ade,i was so blur. sigh.
today,i met ian at gurney plaza when suppose to out with shu mei them.
it wasn't anything, is just that i walked with ian and then met bin.
i did not try to hide myself, i also waved hand with him.
then i'm prepared for more calls from han hao.
i did not ignore, i told the truth but he wouldn't trust me anyway.
i already know this is gonna happen.
i broke his heart.
this is so sucks! i ruined all.

baby,i love you so much. i'm not cheating with the chances you gave me. i'm not fooling around with you. i wanna tell the truth to ian, and also i've told. i told him, i still love you and trying to get back together again. he did also wished us for all the best. finally,we had settled all things but when everything were so close then something drag us down again and spoiled everything. everything get messed up again. but no matter what..i'm here just for you. i never try to accept any guy for becoming my boyfriend. my hearts always belongs to you. you gotta know this.

please,don't leave me again. don't! i don't want! i don't wanna lost you again. i'm feeling so alone without you. my life had been getting worse since you been gone. totally out of mind. i dont wanna feel this way again. i need you. i love you. i want to be with you,seriously.

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